

If your SquareSpace's theme uses AJAX, you must disable it before you install ReferralHero, otherwise it won't work. You can read the instructions here.

Step 1: Login onto your Squarespace account, choose your website and go to the Settings.

Step 2: From the Settings menu, navigate to Advanced > Code Injection

Step 3: Go to your Campaign Overview> Edit Campaign > Launch instructions and copy your Tracking Code

Step 4: Paste the ReferralHero Tracking Code in the Header section text area and save your changes.

Step 5: Go back go Squarespace dashboard and click Pages.

Step 6: Choose the page where you want to install ReferralHero and click Edit.

Step 7: In edit mode, add a content block Code.

Step 8: In the content area, paste <div id="maitre-widget"></div>

Step 9: Save your changes and the embeddable widget will appear on the page.

Last updated