Active Campaign

ReferralHero allows you to automatically sync your subscribers with an ActiveCampaign list of your choice.

To connect your Active Campaign account:

  1. Go to your campaign dashboard > Edit Campaign > Integrations > ActiveCampaign and click on Connect your Active Campaign account

  2. In the popup, enter your API URL and API KEY (You can find those by going to your Active Campaign account, under My Settings > Developer)

  3. After you connect your account, choose a list from the drop-down and save the changes.

If you create or remove lists in your Active Campaign account and need to update the lists on ReferralHero, just click on the Update lists button.

Custom fields

IMPORTANT: Custom fields are mandatory and will be added to your ActiveCampaign list automatically.

When a person signs up we send a bunch of extra data to ActiveCampaign that is stored in your account's custom fields.(Refer to the official ActiveCampaign Custom Fields Documentation for more info).

The Custom Fields we include are:

Important: Initially, the fields created are hidden by default. You need to make them available for lists under the advanced field options:

To manage custom fields:

  1. Go to Manage Fields, You will see all custom fields listed

  1. Click on the edit icon to open a popup

  2. Click on Advanced Options and select the visibility settings

IMPORTANT: If you have other custom fields that are required in your list, the sync will fail. Make sure you have NO required custom fields in your list.

ReferralHero will automatically update these custom fields when things change (eg: when a subscriber refers a new person, their TOT_REF value changes).

Last updated